Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2007, Han is not the only

Dangdang authoritative comments "after 80 Literature"

Leader in youth literature book fairs have been several years, recently, the world's largest Chinese web sites selling books, said industry experts Dangdang: youth literature in 2007 will ever popular, Han is not the only hot spot. "Unprecedented" the words not come from nowhere, in 2007, Guo, Han will have a new full-length came, and "after 80" to grow up, is "gearing up" to be good time.

Han Han, Guo leader be?

From Dangdang a new round of sales data can clearly be seen, Kuo, Korea in 2006 results, sales already can be called a miracle, but in 2007, will be more exciting. Han Han's "glory days" is the 700,000 first printing. Guo quiet two years, will also launch in May this year, his first four feature length - "River of Sorrow." Reporter was informed that the novel in the "most novel" very good response on the memoirs, the first printing has been set 500 000. Youth Literature as the most popular writers, they also launched a new book is bound to arouse Han Guo powder and flour a new round of contest, it is estimated that youth literature in 2007, a spectacle ... ...

In addition, after 80 writers, in addition to Han Han, Guo new for 2007, has worked with Wei to launch "A light in the distance How much is 2", will continue to introduce further non-smoking her new martial arts, Jun Cai's new work also will be launched by the end of March, while Guo Ni, Ming Xiao River and others are new to the current edited. With a work is no longer on board at the top is nothing new, so in 2007, the public "after 80" rising stars who will be a "pen" became popular? Han Han, who took over the lead in 2007 Book Fair? Worth every bookworm looking forward to ... ...

Writing a new concept has been done for eight years, youth literature is still young?

Recently, I have been paying attention to the book fairs Dangdang forum, "Youth Literature" have been shrouded in controversy. First, some conceptual confusion, the new concept of writing contest has been held nine sessions, and youth literature in the end is aging over time? Or the times?棣栧厛瀵规蹇靛仛涓癄閲婏細闈掓槬鏂囧鍗抽潚鏄ュ啓鎵嬩互闈掓槬銆佹垚闀夸负涓婚鐨勬枃瀛︼紝澶у鍐欑粰锛戯紥鈥旓紥锛愬瞾闂寸殑浜虹湅鐨勶紝澶氫互缃戠粶鏂囨湰鐨勫舰寮忓憟鐜般?瀹冪殑鍑虹幇鏄竴绉嶇ぞ浼氳繘姝ョ殑琛ㄧ幇锛屾槸鍐欎綔缁嗗垎銆佸競鍦虹粏鍒嗙殑缁撴灉锛屽叿鏈夌被鍨嬫枃瀛︾殑浠峰?鍜屾剰涔夈?

鍦ㄨ繖閲岋紝闈掓槬鍜屽勾杞绘湰灏辨病鏈夎骞撮緞绂侀敘锛岄潚鏄ュ彧鏄竴绉嶈蹇碉紝鍦ㄤ竴瀹氱殑鍘嗗彶鑳屾櫙涓嬶紝涔熷彲浠ユ槸涓?椋庡皻銆傚洜姝わ紝闈掓槬鏂囧鐨勫叧閿瘝骞舵病鏈夎惤鍦ㄥ勾杞讳笂锛岃?鏄惤鍦ㄥ畠鎵?惀閫犵殑涓?瑙傚康銆佹儏瓒c?浠讳綍涓?棬绫荤殑鏂囧閮芥槸鎸夌収鍏朵环鍊间綔涓烘渶閲嶈鐨勮瘎鍒ゆ爣鍑嗭紝鍦ㄤ腑鍥界洰鍓嶈繖涓樁娈碉紝鍙互璇撮潚鏄ユ枃瀛﹁櫧鐒舵湁寰堝涓嶅畬鍠勭殑鍦版柟锛屼絾鏄繕鏄湪涓?畾鎰忎箟涓婂甫鍔ㄤ簡鍥藉唴鐨勫浘涔﹀競鍦猴紝浠ュ強缁欎簣娑堣垂鑰呬竴浜涙柊鐨勬?鎯宠蹇碉紝闈掓槬鏂囧鐨勫瓨鍦ㄦ湁鐫?笉鍑$殑浠峰?銆?br />


鎾囧紑浜旇姳鍏棬鐨勬墜娉曪紝鎾囧紑缂ょ悍缁氫附鐨勪慨杈烇紝涓?闈掓槬鐨勫績鏄潚鏄ユ枃瀛︽案杩滅殑涓婚銆備粠褰撳綋缃戜功甯傝闂ㄧ被鍥句功鐨勭儹閿?笉闅剧湅鍑猴紝淇濇寔杩欑蹇冩?鏄幇浠i兘甯備汉鎺掕В鍘嬪姏銆佸鍔犳縺鎯呯殑閲嶈鎵嬫銆?br />
銆婇偅浜涗簨 閭d簺浜恒?娑夊強鍐呭鈥滃悆鍠濈帺涔愨?鏃犳墍涓嶅寘锛屼功鍐欐柟寮忊?澶╅┈琛岀┖鈥濇棤鎵?笉鏈夎繕鏈夎鏀圭紪鎴愮數瑙嗗墽鐏儹鎾嚭鐨勩?涓夐噸闂ㄣ?锛屻?涓?捣娌夐粯銆嬮兘鍦ㄥ綋褰撶綉涓婄晠閿?笉琛般?杩樿寰椼?骞诲煄銆嬪悧锛熷畠鐨勬潵涓达紝濂藉儚浠庝竴寮?灏辫〃鏄庝簡瀹冪湡鍛藉ぉ瀛愯埇鐨勮韩浠斤紝灏卞ソ鍍忓够闆笣鍥戒腑鐨勭埗鐨囥?


鍙﹀锛岄煶鍍忓埗鍝佺被涓殑鐑攢鐢佃鍓т腑锛屻?鑺辨牱灏戝勾灏戝コ銆嬨?銆婂銆嬨?銆婃伓浣滃墽涔嬪惢銆嬫洿鏄紩璧蜂簡绀句細鐨勫箍娉涘叧娉紝鎴愪负缃戝弸璇勮鐨勫璞°?杩樻湁鐜勫够绫荤殑鐣呴攢灏忚绾㈤?鍗庤涓栫晫鐨勭櫨涓囩骇缃戠粶鍦ㄧ嚎濂囦功銆婂吔琛?哺鑵俱?銆佺晠閿?涔﹂潚鏄ユ枃瀛︺?绾镐笂鐨勯潚鏄ャ?銆併?灏戝勾銆嬨?銆婃櫘鐟炲皵銆嬨?銆婇偅骞存槬澶╂垜瑕佺寮??绛夌瓑銆?br />


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